


Accessible composite widgets with invalid activeId

We've improved the logic for composite widgets such as Tabs and Toolbar when the activeId state points to an element that is disabled or missing from the DOM. This can happen if an item is dynamically removed, disabled, or lazily rendered, potentially making the composite widget inaccessible to keyboard users.

Now, when the activeId state is invalid, all composite items will remain tabbable, enabling users to Tab into the composite widget. Once a composite item receives focus or the element referenced by the activeId state becomes available, the roving tabindex behavior is restored.

Other updates

  • Fixed regression in focusShift.

  • Fixed Radio to prevent onChange from triggering on radios that are already checked.

  • Fixed DisclosureContent setting an incorrect animating state value during enter animations.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.13


Tab panels with scroll restoration

Ariakit now supports scroll restoration for the TabPanel component. This allows you to control whether and how the scroll position is restored when switching tabs.

To enable scroll restoration, use the new scrollRestoration prop:

// Restores the scroll position of the tab panel element when switching tabs

By default, the scroll position is restored when switching tabs. You can set it to "reset" to return the scroll position to the top of the tab panel when changing tabs. Use the scrollElement prop to specify a different scrollable element:

// Resets the scroll position of a different scrollable element
<div className="overflow-auto">
scrollElement={(panel) => panel.parentElement}

Full height dialogs and on-screen virtual keyboards

A new --dialog-viewport-height CSS variable has been added to the Dialog component. This variable exposes the height of the visual viewport, considering the space taken by virtual keyboards on mobile devices. Use this CSS variable when you have input fields in your dialog to ensure it always fits within the visual viewport:

.dialog {
max-height: var(--dialog-viewport-height, 100dvh);

Overriding composite state for specific methods

The next, previous, up, and down methods of the composite store now accept an object as the first argument to override the composite state for that specific method. For example, you can pass a different activeId value to the next method so it returns the next item based on that value rather than the current active item in the composite store:

const store = useCompositeStore({ defaultActiveId: "item1" });
const item3 ={ activeId: "item2" });

It's important to note that the composite state is not modified when using this feature. The state passed to these methods is used solely for that specific method call.

Other updates

  • Fixed the ability to Tab out of a nested Menu within a modal Dialog.

  • Fixed CJS build on Next.js.

  • Enhanced performance on Dialog backdrops.

  • Fixed Tab to pass the rowId prop when used with other composite widgets.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.12


Tabs inside animated Combobox or Select

When rendering Tab inside Combobox or Select, it now waits for the closing animation to finish before restoring the tab with the selected item. This should prevent an inconsistent UI where the tab is restored immediately while the content is still animating out. See Select with Combobox and Tabs.

Other updates

  • Updated Combobox to immediately reset the activeId upon closing the popover.

  • Removed delay when applying the data-focus-visible attribute.

  • Fixed mouse down on MenuButton hiding the menu on Safari.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.11


  • Fixed a regression introduced in v0.4.8 that set the default value of the accessibleWhenDisabled prop to false on Tab.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.10


New useStoreState hook

The useStoreState hook is now part of the public API. Previously used internally by dynamic useState hooks from Ariakit store objects, it is now available in the @ariakit/react package to ensure compatibility with the new React Compiler.

The following snippets are equivalent:

const combobox = useComboboxStore();
const value = combobox.useState("value");
const combobox = useComboboxStore();
const value = useStoreState(combobox, "value");

Besides working better with the new React Compiler, useStoreState is more flexible than store.useState as it accepts a store that is null or undefined, in which case the returned value will be undefined. This is useful when you're reading a store from a context that may not always be available:

const combobox = useComboboxContext();
const value = useStoreState(combobox, "value");

New ComboboxValue component

A ComboboxValue component is now available. This value component displays the current value of the combobox input without rendering any DOM elements or taking any HTML props. You can optionally pass a function as a child returning any React node based on the current value:

<Combobox />
<ComboboxValue>{(value) => `Current value: ${value}`}</ComboboxValue>

aria-selected on composite items

Composite items like ComboboxItem no longer have the aria-selected attribute automatically set when focused. This attribute was previously used to address an old bug in Google Chrome, but it's no longer needed. Now, it's only set when the item is actually selected, such as in a select widget or a multi-selectable combobox.

This change shouldn't affect most users since the aria-selected attribute is not part of the public API and is not recommended as a CSS selector (use [data-active-item] instead). However, if you have snapshot tests, you may need to update them.

Other updates


Accessing selected tabs when disabled

A Tab component that is both selected and disabled will now remain accessible to keyboard focus even if the accessibleWhenDisabled prop is set to false. This ensures users can navigate to other tabs using the keyboard.

Other updates

  • Fixed Dialog to prevent smooth scrolling on hide.

  • Fixed Hovercard unexpectedly hiding when scrolling in Safari.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.8


New SelectValue component

A SelectValue component is now available. This is a value component, which means it doesn't render any DOM elements and, as a result, doesn't take HTML props. Optionally, it can use a fallback prop as a default value if the store's value is undefined:

<SelectValue fallback="Select a value" />

Other updates

  • Added React 19 to peer dependencies.

  • Fixed autoSelect behavior with virtualized lists on mobile devices.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.7


Nested SelectList

The SelectList component can now be nested within a SelectPopover. This lets you render additional elements inside the popover without breaking the accessibility tree. The ARIA roles will be automatically adjusted to ensure a valid accessibility tree:

New Select components

Two new components have been added to the Select module: SelectHeading and SelectDismiss.

You can use them alongside SelectList to add a heading and a dismiss button to the select popover:


The Popover components now expose a --popover-transform-origin CSS variable. You can use this to set the transform-origin property for the popover content element in relation to the anchor element:

.popover {
transform-origin: var(--popover-transform-origin);

Opening SelectPopover on click

To ensure uniformity across all dropdown buttons in the library, the SelectPopover now opens when you click on the Select component, instead of on mouse/touch/pointer down.

This change also resolves a problem where the :active state wouldn't be triggered on the select button due to a focus change on mousedown.

Other updates

  • Fixed ref warning in React 19.

  • Ensured Combobox uses roving tabindex to manage focus on mobile Safari.

  • Added a new listElement state to the Select store.

  • Improved use of Tab components within Select widgets.

  • Fixed data-focus-visible being applied after a blur event.

  • Fixed composite items not scrolling into view in Safari.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.6


Multi-selectable Combobox with inline autocomplete

When rendering a Multi-selectable Combobox with the autoComplete prop set to "inline" or "both", the completion string will no longer be inserted into the input upon deselecting an item. This is because the completion string generally represents an addition action, whereas deselecting an item is a removal action.

Other updates

  • Updated Combobox to no longer use ReactDOM.flushSync when updating the value.

  • Added new resetValueOnSelect prop to ComboboxItem.

  • Added new resetValue method to combobox store.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.5


Combobox autoFocusOnHide behavior

Previously, the autoFocusOnHide feature on ComboboxPopover was turned off by default. Most of the time, this didn't have any practical impact because the combobox input element was already focused when the popover was hidden.

Now, this feature is enabled by default and should work consistently even when virtualFocus is set to false.

Better SVG strokes

The strokeWidth property on SVG elements rendered by CheckboxCheck, ComboboxCancel, ComboboxDisclosure, DialogDismiss, HovercardDisclosure, PopoverDisclosureArrow, and all components that use any of these now defaults to 1.5px instead of 1.5pt. This should make the strokes slightly thinner.

Remember, you can always override the SVG element rendered by these components by rendering custom children.

Minimum value length to show combobox options

A new showMinLength prop has been added to the Combobox component. This prop lets you set the minimum length of the value before the combobox options appear. The default value is 0.

Previously, achieving this behavior required combining three separate props: showOnChange, showOnClick, and showOnKeyPress. We've added this prop to simplify this common task.

These props continue to work as expected as they can be used to customize the behavior for each distinct event.

Rendering composite items as input elements

We've added the ability to render CompositeItem as an input element using the render prop:

<CompositeItem render={<input />} />

Before, you could only do this with the experimental CompositeInput component. Now, this functionality is integrated directly into the CompositeItem component.

Other updates

  • Fixed Dialog calling autoFocusOnHide twice.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.4


  • Fixed TypeScript types for ref.

  • Fixed CompositeItem occasionally failing to set the activeId state on focus.

  • Fixed unmountOnHide prop not working on TabPanel without tabId.

  • Fixed regression in v0.4.2 that caused nested tabs to stop working.

  • Added new combobox property to tab store.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.3


Tooltip behavior improvements

When using Tooltip components alongside elements that move focus upon clicking (like MenuButton, which moves focus to its Menu when clicked), the tooltip will now stop from appearing after the user clicks the anchor element. It will only show when the mouse leaves and re-enters the anchor element.

This was already the case when tooltips had no timeout. Now, the behavior is consistent regardless of the timeout value.

Combobox with Tabs

Tab components can now be rendered as part of other composite widgets, like Combobox. The following structure should work seamlessly:

Other updates


New autoSelect mode

The autoSelect prop of the Combobox component now accepts a new "always" value:

<Combobox autoSelect="always" />

When using this value, the first enabled item will automatically gain focus when the list shows up, as well as when the combobox input value changes (which is the behavior of the autoSelect prop when set to true).

ComboboxItem losing focus too early

Some tweaks were made to the ComboboxItem component to ensure it doesn't lose focus right after a click or Escape keystroke when the combobox popover is animated. This should avoid an inconsistent UI as the popover plays its exit animation.

Other updates


This version introduces enhanced support for CSS animations and transitions, along with a few breaking changes for quite specific cases. The majority of users won't be impacted by these.

Please review the brief notes following the BREAKING labels on each update to determine if any changes are needed in your code.

Improved animation support

BREAKING if you have popups with CSS animation/transition, but aren't using the animated prop.

This version enhances support for CSS animations and transitions on Ariakit components that use Disclosure. This includes Dialog, Popover, Combobox, Select, Hovercard, Menu, and Tooltip.

These components now support enter and leave transitions and animations right out of the box, eliminating the need to provide an explicit animated prop. If an enter animation is detected, the component will automatically wait for a leave animation to complete before unmounting or hiding itself.

This means that if you've set any CSS animation/transition property on a dialog and didn't previously specify the animated prop, you might now notice a delay when closing the dialog. If this isn't what you want, you can turn off the CSS animation/transition using the [data-leave] selector:

.dialog[data-leave] {
transition: unset;

Use the [data-enter] selector to apply CSS transitions. For CSS animations, use the newly introduced [data-open] selector. The [data-leave] selector can be used for both transitions and animations.

ComboboxList is no longer focusable

BREAKING if you're using the ComboboxList component directly with Focusable props.

The ComboboxList component is no longer focusable and doesn't accept focusable props such as autoFocus, disabled, and onFocusVisible anymore. If you need focusable features specifically on the ComboboxList component, you can use composition to render it as a Focusable component.


<ComboboxList disabled />


Composite widgets with grid role

BREAKING if you're manually setting the role="grid" prop on a composite widget.

Ariakit automatically assigns the role prop to all composite items to align with the container role. For example, if SelectPopover has its role set to listbox (which is the default value), its owned SelectItem elements will automatically get their role set to option.

In previous versions, this was also valid for composite widgets with a grid role, where the composite item element would automatically be given role="gridcell". This is no longer the case, and you're now required to manually pass role="gridcell" to the composite item element if you're rendering a container with role="grid".


<SelectPopover role="grid">
<SelectRow> {/* Automatically gets role="row" */}
<SelectItem> {/* Automatically gets role="gridcell" */}


<SelectPopover role="grid">
<SelectRow> {/* Still gets role="row" */}
<SelectItem role="gridcell">

This change is due to the possibility of rendering a composite item element with a different role as a child of a static div with role="gridcell", which is a valid and frequently used practice when using the grid role. As a result, you no longer have to manually adjust the role prop on the composite item:

<SelectPopover role="grid">
<div role="gridcell">
<SelectItem render={<button />}>

Previously, you had to explicitly pass role="button" to the SelectItem component above, otherwise it would automatically receive role="gridcell", leading to an invalid accessibility tree.

Radio types have improved

BREAKING if you're using TypeScript with the onChange prop on Radio, FormRadio, or MenuItemRadio.

The onChange callback argument type has changed from React.SyntheticEvent to React.ChangeEvent.


<Radio onChange={(event: React.SyntheticEvent) => {}} />


<Radio onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent) => {}} />

Public data attributes have now boolean values

BREAKING if you're depending on data attributes to carry an empty string ("") value.

In previous versions, data attributes such as data-active, data-active-item, data-enter, data-leave, and data-focus-visible would carry an empty string ("") value when active, and undefined when inactive. Now, they have a true value when active, but remain undefined when inactive.

Their use as CSS selectors remains unchanged. You should continue to select them with the attribute selector with no value (e.g., [data-enter]). However, if you're employing them in different ways or have snapshot tests that depend on their value, you might need to update your code.

Removed deprecated features

BREAKING if you haven't addressed the deprecation warnings from previous releases.

This version eliminates features that were deprecated in previous releases: the backdropProps and as props, as well as the ability to use a render function for the children prop across all components.


<Dialog backdropProps={{ className: "backdrop" }} />
<Combobox as="textarea" />
{(props) => <textarea {...props} />}


<Dialog backdrop={<div className="backdrop" />} />
<Combobox render={<textarea />} />
<Combobox render={(props) => <textarea {...props} />} />

You can learn more about these new features in the Composition guide.

Other updates

  • Deprecated MenuBar in favor of Menubar components.

  • The type prop on Tooltip has been deprecated. See Tooltip anchors must have accessible names.

  • Removed the ancestors of open, nested modals from the accessibility tree.

  • Tooltips no longer use aria-describedby to associate the tooltip content with the anchor.

  • Added new disclosure property to disclosure stores.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.4.0


  • Fixed a regression introduced in v0.3.13 where dialogs wouldn't close when clicking outside on iOS.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.3.14


Improved performance of large collections

Components like MenuItem, ComboboxItem, and SelectItem should now offer improved performance when rendering large collections.

New FormControl component

This version introduces a new FormControl component. In future versions, this will replace the FormField component.

Other updates

  • Adjusted the focus behavior in Safari to occur prior to the pointerup event instead of mouseup.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.3.13


  • The auto-select feature on Combobox now resets with each keystroke.

  • Fixed Combobox with the autoSelect prop calling onFocus with every input change.

  • Fixed Hovercard flickering when used with shadow DOM.

  • Fixed Select with Combobox scroll jumping when opening using keyboard navigation.

  • Fixed CompositeItem triggering blur on focus.

  • Fixed ComboboxItem not triggering the onClick event when the item is partially visible.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.3.12


Controlling the auto-select functionality of Combobox

The Combobox component now includes a new getAutoSelectId prop. This allows you to specify the ComboboxItem that should be auto-selected if the autoSelect prop is true.

By default, the first enabled item is auto-selected. Now you can customize this behavior by returning the id of another item from getAutoSelectId:

getAutoSelectId={(items) => {
// Auto select the first enabled item with a value
const item = items.find((item) => {
if (item.disabled) return false;
if (!item.value) return false;
return true;
return item?.id;

Styling Combobox without an active descendant

The Combobox component now includes a data-active-item attribute when it's the only active item in the composite widget. In other words, when no ComboboxItem is active and the focus is solely on the combobox input.

You can use this as a CSS selector to style the combobox differently, providing additional affordance to users who pressed on the first item or on the last item. This action would place both virtual and actual DOM focus on the combobox input.

.combobox[data-active-item] {
outline-width: 2px;

Other updates

  • Fixed useTabStore return value not updating its own reference.

  • Fixed keyboard navigation on Combobox when the content element is a grid.

  • Fixed ComboboxDisclosure to update its aria-expanded attribute when the combobox expands.

  • Fixed Maximum update depth exceeded warning when rendering multiple collection items on the page.

  • Improved JSDocs.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.3.11


Overwriting aria-selected value on ComboboxItem

It's now possible to pass a custom aria-selected value to the ComboboxItem component, overwriting the internal behavior.

Limiting slide on popovers

When components like Popover and Menu with the slide prop are positioned to the right or left of the anchor element, they will now cease to slide across the screen, disengaged from the anchor element, upon reaching the edge of said element.

Other updates


Automatic role on ComboboxGroup

The ComboboxGroup component now automatically assigns the role attribute as rowgroup if it's nestled within a ComboboxPopover or ComboboxList wrapper that has the role attribute set to grid.

Custom submenu auto focus

When opening nested Menu components with Enter, Space, or arrow keys, the first tabbable element will now receive focus, even if it's not a MenuItem element. This should enable custom popups that behave like submenus, but use different semantics.

Hovercard display timeout

The Hovercard, Menu, and Tooltip components now display synchronously when the timeout or showTimeout states are set to 0. This should stop submenus from vanishing for a few frames prior to displaying a new menu when hovering over menu items in sequence.

Other updates

  • Fixed CollectionItem elements getting out of order when composing stores.

  • Fixed MenuButton not assigning the correct role attribute when used within a ComboboxList element.

  • Fixed MenuItem with an explicit focusOnHover prop not moving focus properly.

  • Fixed blurOnHoverEnd not working on submenu triggers.

  • Fixed Dialog not respecting the controlled open state.

  • Fixed unmounted SelectPopover not re-opening when its open state is initially set to true.

  • Fixed TypeScript build errors.

  • Fixed focus order when using Popover with the portal prop with VoiceOver.

  • Updated dependencies: @ariakit/react-core@0.3.9


Multi-selectable Combobox

We've added support for the Combobox with multiple selection capabilities using a new selectedValue prop, along with defaultSelectedValue and setSelectedValue.

This works similarly to the value prop on Select components. If it receives an array, the combobox will allow multiple selections. By default, it's a string that represents the selected value in a single-select combobox.

Check out the Multi-selectable Combobox example to see it in action.

New Combobox components

This version introduces new Combobox components:

Other updates


Expanding Menubar

The Menubar component will now only expand if there's another menu already expanded in the same menubar.

Internal data attribute changes

Just like the change in v0.3.6 that removed the data-command and data-disclosure attributes from elements, this update stops the data-composite-hover attribute from infiltrating composite item elements in the DOM. We're mentioning this in the changelog as some users might have snapshot tests that require updating.

Other updates


Data attributes for duplicate components

The internal logic that identifies duplicate components has been refined. This implies that some internal data-* attributes will no longer seep into the rendered DOM elements. If you're doing snapshot tests on the DOM generated by Ariakit components, you should see the data-command and data-disclosure attributes removed.

Multiple disclosure and anchor elements

The disclosureElement and anchorElement states on Disclosure, Popover, and Menu, along with related components, are now set only upon interaction.

This change enables us to support multiple disclosure/anchor elements for the same contentElement (typically the popup element) when triggered by hover or focus.

Expanding Menubar with focus

Adjacent Menu popups will now open when the focus moves through MenuItem elements in a Menubar. Before, they would only open when another Menu was already visible.

Maintaining Popover tab order

Popover and related components now automatically set the new preserveTabOrderAnchor prop as the disclosure element.

This ensures that, when the portal prop is enabled, the tab order will be preserved from the disclosure to the content element even when the Popover component is rendered in a different location in the React tree.

New Menubar components

This version introduces a new Menubar module that can be used without the MenubarProvider wrapper.

Other updates

Stay tuned

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