

Renders an element using React Portal.

By default, the portal element is a div element appended to the document.body element. You can customize this with the portalElement prop.

The preserveTabOrder prop allows this component to manage the tab order of the elements. It ensures the tab order remains consistent with the original location where the portal was rendered in the React tree, instead of the final location in the DOM. The preserveTabOrderAnchor prop can specify a different location from which the tab order is preserved.

Code examples


Optional Props


boolean | undefined = true

Determines whether the element should be rendered as a React Portal.

Live examples


HTMLElement | ((element: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | null) | null | undefined

An HTML element or a memoized callback function that returns an HTML element to be used as the portal element. By default, the portal element will be a div element appended to the document.body.

Live examples

Code examples

const [portal, setPortal] = useState(null);
<Portal portalElement={portal} />
<div ref={setPortal} />
const getPortalElement = useCallback(() => {
const div = document.createElement("div");
const portalRoot = document.getElementById("portal-root");
return div;
}, []);
<Portal portalElement={getPortalElement} />


React.RefCallback<HTMLElement> | React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> | undefined

portalRef is similar to ref but is scoped to the portal node. It's useful when you need to be informed when the portal element is appended to the DOM or removed from the DOM.

Live examples

Code examples

const [portalElement, setPortalElement] = useState(null);
<Portal portalRef={setPortalElement} />


boolean | undefined = false

When enabled, preserveTabOrder will keep the DOM element's tab order the same as the order in which the underlying Portal component was mounted in the React tree.

If the preserveTabOrderAnchor prop is provided, the tab order will be preserved relative to that element.


Element | null | undefined

An anchor element for maintaining the tab order when preserveTabOrder prop is enabled. The tab order will be kept relative to this element.

By default, the tab order is kept relative to the original location in the React tree where the underlying Portal component was mounted.

Code examples

const [anchor, setAnchor] = useState(null);
<button ref={setAnchor}>Order 0</button>
<button>Order 2</button>
// Rendered at the end of the document.
<button>Order 5</button>
// Rendered at the end of the document, but the tab order is preserved.
<button>Order 3</button>
// Rendered at the end of the document, but the tab order is preserved
// relative to the anchor element.
<button>Order 1</button>
<button>Order 4</button>


RenderProp<React.HTMLAttributes<any> & { ref?: React.Ref<any> | undefined; }> | React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>> | undefined

Allows the component to be rendered as a different HTML element or React component. The value can be a React element or a function that takes in the original component props and gives back a React element with the props merged.

Check out the Composition guide for more details.

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