

Renders a span element with the combobox item value as children. The value is split into span elements. Portions of the value matching the user input will have a data-user-value attribute, while the rest will have a data-autocomplete-value attribute.

The item value is automatically set to the value of the closest ComboboxItem component's value prop. The user input value is automatically set to the combobox store's value state. Both values can be overridden by providing the value and userValue props, respectively.

Code examples

<Combobox />
<ComboboxItem value="Apple">
// The Apple item will have a value element that looks like this:
<span data-autocomplete-value>A</span>
<span data-user-value>p</span>
<span data-user-value>p</span>
<span data-autocomplete-value>le</span>

Optional Props


RenderProp<React.HTMLAttributes<any> & { ref?: React.Ref<any> | undefined; }> | React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>> | undefined

Allows the component to be rendered as a different HTML element or React component. The value can be a React element or a function that takes in the original component props and gives back a React element with the props merged.

Check out the Composition guide for more details.


ComboboxStore<ComboboxStoreSelectedValue> | undefined

Object returned by the useComboboxStore hook. If not provided, the closest ComboboxList or ComboboxPopover components' context will be used.


string | string[] | undefined

The current user input value. If not provided, the combobox store's value state will be used.

This is the value used to highlight the matching portions of the item value. It can be customized to highlight different portions.


string | undefined

The current combobox item value. If not provided, the parent ComboboxItem component's value prop will be used.

This is the value rendered by the component. It can be customized to display different children.

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