

ButtonTrigger an action or event, such as submitting a Form, opening a Dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation in React. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Button Pattern.
CheckboxSelect one or more options in a list or toggle a single option using a native or custom checkbox in React. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Checkbox Pattern.
ComboboxFill in a React input field with autocomplete & autosuggest functionalities. Choose from a list of suggested values with full keyboard support. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Combobox Pattern.
DialogOpen a new window that can be either modal or non-modal and optionally rendered in a React portal. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Dialog Pattern.
DisclosureClick a button to either show (expand, open) or hide (collapse, close) a content element in React. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Disclosure Pattern.
FormSubmit information with accessible interactive controls in React. Take advantage of the browser's built-in validation with screen reader support. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Form Role.
HeadingAdd automatic hierarchy to your page contents so users can easily navigate them. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Heading Role.
HovercardShow a Popover with additional information when users hover over an element.
MenuAccess a set of commands within a dropdown menu. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Menu Pattern and the WAI-ARIA Menu Button Pattern.
MenubarRender a visually persistent menu similar to those found near the top of the window in desktop apps. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Menubar Pattern.
PopoverShow a popup dialog positioned relative to an anchor element. This component can be either modal or non-modal and optionally rendered in a React portal.
RadioChoose one option from a list of choices presented as radio buttons. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Radio Group Pattern.
SelectSelect a value from a list of options presented in a dropdown menu, similar to the native HTML select element. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Combobox Pattern.
TabDisplay one panel of content at a time with a tabbed interface. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Tabs Pattern.
ToolbarGroup a set of related controls, reducing the number of tab stops in the keyboard interface. This component is based on the WAI-ARIA Toolbar Pattern.
TooltipDisplay visual information related to an anchor element when the element receives keyboard focus or the mouse hovers over it.
VisuallyHiddenHide an element visually but keep it available for screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Abstract components

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