

Provides a tooltip store to Tooltip components.

Code examples

Optional Props


boolean | undefined = false

Whether the content should be visible by default.


DisclosureStore | null | undefined

A reference to another disclosure store that controls another disclosure component to keep them in sync. Element states like contentElement and disclosureElement won't be synced. For that, use the store prop instead.

Live examples


number | undefined = 0

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding the popup. It defaults to the value passed to timeout.

Live examples


boolean = false

Whether the content is visible.

Live examples


Placement = "top"

The placement of the popover.

Live examples


PopoverStore | null | undefined

A reference to another popover store that's controlling another popover to keep them in sync.


((mounted: boolean) => void) | undefined

A callback that gets called when the mounted state changes.

Code examples

const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ setMounted });


((open: boolean) => void) | undefined

A callback that gets called when the open state changes.

Code examples

const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ open, setOpen });


number | undefined

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before showing the popup. It defaults to the value passed to timeout.

Live examples


number = 300

The amount of time after a tooltip is hidden while all tooltips on the page can be shown immediately, without waiting for the show timeout.


Store<Partial<S>> | undefined

Another store object that will be kept in sync with the original store.

Live examples


number = 500

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before showing and hiding the popup. To control the delay for showing and hiding separately, use showTimeout and hideTimeout.


number | boolean | undefined

Deprecated: Manually setting the animated prop is no longer necessary. This will be removed in a future release.

Determines whether the content should animate when it is shown or hidden.

  • If true, the animating state will be true when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for a CSS animation/transition to end before becoming false.

  • If it's set to a number, the animating state will be true when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for the number of milliseconds to pass before becoming false.


"label" | "description" = "description"

Deprecated: Render a visually hidden label or use the aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes on the anchor element instead.

Determines whether the tooltip is being used as a label or a description for the anchor element.

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