
All things Form controls



Checkbox as buttonRendering a custom Checkbox as a button element in React, while keeping it accessible to screen reader and keyboard users.
Custom CheckboxRendering a visually hidden Checkbox using the VisuallyHidden component to show a custom checkbox presentation in React.
Checkbox groupRendering multiple Checkbox elements in React to form a group of checkboxes. The selected values are stored in an array provided by the CheckboxProvider component.
Animated ComboboxAnimating a Combobox using CSS transitions in React. The component waits for the transition to finish before completely hiding the popover.
ComboboxCancelReseting the value of a Combobox with a button rendered next to it using the ComboboxCancel component.
ComboboxDisclosureOpening and closing a Combobox with the help of a button rendered next to it using the ComboboxDisclosure component.
Combobox filteringListing suggestions in a Combobox component based on the input value using React.startTransition to ensure the UI remains responsive during typing.
Combobox with integrated filterFiltering options in a Combobox component through an abstracted implementation using React.useDeferredValue, resulting in a simple higher-level API.
ComboboxGroupOrganizing Combobox items into labelled groups using the ComboboxGroup and ComboboxGroupLabel components in React.
Combobox with linksUsing a Combobox with items rendered as links that can be clicked with keyboard and mouse. This is useful for creating an accessible page search input in React.
Multi-selectable ComboboxAllowing Combobox to select multiple options by passing an array value to the selectedValue prop.
Radix ComboboxUsing just the necessary Ariakit components to build a Combobox with Radix UI. For projects already using Radix UI and looking for autocomplete, autosuggest and search features.
Radix Select with ComboboxRendering a searchable Radix UI Select component with a text field that enables typeahead & autocomplete features using the primitive Ariakit Combobox components.
Textarea with inline ComboboxRendering Combobox as a textarea element to create an accessible multiline textbox in React. Inserting specific characters triggers a popup with dynamic suggestions.
FormRadioUsing the FormRadioGroup and FormRadio components to create a Form with custom validation that requires a user to select an option from a list of radio buttons.
Form with SelectCombining Form and Select to create an accessible custom select widget that works with the browser's built-in validation and native form submission.
Animated SelectAnimating Select using CSS transitions in React. The component waits for the transition to finish before completely hiding the popover.
Select with ComboboxCombining Select and Combobox to create a dropdown with a search field that can be used to filter items.
Select with Combobox and TabsAbstracting Select to work alongside Combobox and Tab components, presenting a searchable, tabbed dropdown.
Select GridUsing Select with SelectPopover rendered with the grid role to create a bidimensional list of selectable items.
SelectGroupSeparating Select items into groups using the SelectGroup and SelectGroupLabel components.
Select with custom itemsRendering Select with a custom styled value and SelectItem's children.
Multi-SelectAllowing the Select component to select multiple values by passing an array to the defaultValue prop on the SelectProvider component.

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