Textarea with inline Combobox
Rendering Combobox as a textarea element to create an accessible multiline textbox in React. Inserting specific characters triggers a popup with dynamic suggestions.
import * as Ariakit from "@ariakit/react";import { matchSorter } from "match-sorter";import * as React from "react";import { getList, getValue } from "./list.ts";import "./style.css";import {getAnchorRect,getSearchValue,getTrigger,getTriggerOffset,replaceValue,} from "./utils.ts";export default function Example() {const ref = React.useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>(null);const [value, setValue] = React.useState("");const [trigger, setTrigger] = React.useState<string | null>(null);const [caretOffset, setCaretOffset] = React.useState<number | null>(null);const deferredSearchValue = React.useDeferredValue(searchValue);const matches = React.useMemo(() => {return matchSorter(getList(trigger), deferredSearchValue, {baseSort: (a, b) => (a.index < b.index ? -1 : 1),}).slice(0, 10);}, [trigger, deferredSearchValue]);const hasMatches = !!matches.length;React.useLayoutEffect(() => {combobox.setOpen(hasMatches);}, [combobox, hasMatches]);React.useLayoutEffect(() => {if (caretOffset != null) {ref.current?.setSelectionRange(caretOffset, caretOffset);}}, [caretOffset]);// Re-calculates the position of the combobox popover in case the changes on// the textarea value have shifted the trigger character.React.useEffect(combobox.render, [combobox, value]);const onKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {if (event.key === "ArrowLeft" || event.key === "ArrowRight") {combobox.hide();}};const onChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {const trigger = getTrigger(event.target);const searchValue = getSearchValue(event.target);// If there's a trigger character, we'll show the combobox popover. This can// be true both when the trigger character has just been typed and when// content has been deleted (e.g., with backspace) and the character right// before the caret is the trigger.if (trigger) {setTrigger(trigger);combobox.show();}// There will be no trigger and no search value if the trigger character has// just been deleted.else if (!searchValue) {setTrigger(null);combobox.hide();}// Sets our textarea value.setValue(event.target.value);// Sets the combobox value that will be used to search in the list.combobox.setValue(searchValue);};const onItemClick = (value: string) => () => {const textarea = ref.current;if (!textarea) return;const offset = getTriggerOffset(textarea);const displayValue = getValue(value, trigger);if (!displayValue) return;setTrigger(null);setValue(replaceValue(offset, searchValue, displayValue));const nextCaretOffset = offset + displayValue.length + 1;setCaretOffset(nextCaretOffset);};return (<div className="wrapper"><label className="label">Commentvalue={value}// We'll overwrite how the combobox popover is shown, so we disable// the default behaviors.// To the combobox state, we'll only set the value after the trigger// character (the search value), so we disable the default behavior.className="combobox"<textarearef={ref}rows={5}placeholder="Type @, # or :"// We need to re-calculate the position of the combobox popover// when the textarea contents are scrolled.onScroll={combobox.render}// Hide the combobox popover whenever the selection changes.onPointerDown={combobox.hide}onChange={onChange}onKeyDown={onKeyDown}/>}/></label>hidden={!hasMatches}const textarea = ref.current;if (!textarea) return null;return getAnchorRect(textarea);}}className="popover">{matches.map((value) => (key={value}onClick={onItemClick(value)}className="combobox-item"><span>{value}</span>))}</div>);}import * as Ariakit from "@ariakit/react";import { matchSorter } from "match-sorter";import * as React from "react";import { getList, getValue } from "./list.ts";import "./style.css";import {getAnchorRect,getSearchValue,getTrigger,getTriggerOffset,replaceValue,} from "./utils.ts";export default function Example() {const ref = React.useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>(null);const [value, setValue] = React.useState("");const [trigger, setTrigger] = React.useState<string | null>(null);const [caretOffset, setCaretOffset] = React.useState<number | null>(null);const deferredSearchValue = React.useDeferredValue(searchValue);const matches = React.useMemo(() => {return matchSorter(getList(trigger), deferredSearchValue, {baseSort: (a, b) => (a.index < b.index ? -1 : 1),}).slice(0, 10);}, [trigger, deferredSearchValue]);const hasMatches = !!matches.length;React.useLayoutEffect(() => {combobox.setOpen(hasMatches);}, [combobox, hasMatches]);React.useLayoutEffect(() => {if (caretOffset != null) {ref.current?.setSelectionRange(caretOffset, caretOffset);}}, [caretOffset]);// Re-calculates the position of the combobox popover in case the changes on// the textarea value have shifted the trigger character.React.useEffect(combobox.render, [combobox, value]);const onKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {if (event.key === "ArrowLeft" || event.key === "ArrowRight") {combobox.hide();}};const onChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {const trigger = getTrigger(event.target);const searchValue = getSearchValue(event.target);// If there's a trigger character, we'll show the combobox popover. This can// be true both when the trigger character has just been typed and when// content has been deleted (e.g., with backspace) and the character right// before the caret is the trigger.if (trigger) {setTrigger(trigger);combobox.show();}// There will be no trigger and no search value if the trigger character has// just been deleted.else if (!searchValue) {setTrigger(null);combobox.hide();}// Sets our textarea value.setValue(event.target.value);// Sets the combobox value that will be used to search in the list.combobox.setValue(searchValue);};const onItemClick = (value: string) => () => {const textarea = ref.current;if (!textarea) return;const offset = getTriggerOffset(textarea);const displayValue = getValue(value, trigger);if (!displayValue) return;setTrigger(null);setValue(replaceValue(offset, searchValue, displayValue));const nextCaretOffset = offset + displayValue.length + 1;setCaretOffset(nextCaretOffset);};return (<div className="wrapper"><label className="label">Commentvalue={value}// We'll overwrite how the combobox popover is shown, so we disable// the default behaviors.// To the combobox state, we'll only set the value after the trigger// character (the search value), so we disable the default behavior.className="combobox"<textarearef={ref}rows={5}placeholder="Type @, # or :"// We need to re-calculate the position of the combobox popover// when the textarea contents are scrolled.onScroll={combobox.render}// Hide the combobox popover whenever the selection changes.onPointerDown={combobox.hide}onChange={onChange}onKeyDown={onKeyDown}/>}/></label>hidden={!hasMatches}const textarea = ref.current;if (!textarea) return null;return getAnchorRect(textarea);}}className="popover">{matches.map((value) => (key={value}onClick={onItemClick(value)}className="combobox-item"><span>{value}</span>))}</div>);}
Related examples

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