All things Tooltip
Menu with TooltipRendering Menu with a Tooltip that appears when hovering over the MenuButton component by combining it with the TooltipAnchor component.
Tooltip with Framer MotionAbstracting Tooltip into a reusable custom component that uses Framer Motion to create smooth initial and exit animations.
API Reference
useTooltipContextReturns the tooltip store from the nearest tooltip container.
useTooltipStoreCreates a tooltip store to control the state of
Tooltip components.
TooltipRenders a tooltip element that visually describes a
TooltipAnchor when it
receives focus or is hovered.
TooltipAnchorRenders a reference element for a
Tooltip, which is triggered by
focusing or hovering over the anchor.
TooltipArrowRenders an arrow inside a Tooltip
pointing to the anchor element.
TooltipProviderProvides a tooltip store to Tooltip