All things Composite
API Reference
useCompositeContextReturns the composite store from the nearest composite container.
useCompositeStoreCreates a composite store to control the state of
Composite components.
CompositeRenders a composite widget.
CompositeGroupRenders a group element for composite items. The
component can be used inside this component so the aria-labelledby prop is
properly set on the group element.
CompositeGroupLabelRenders a label in a composite group. This component must be wrapped with
CompositeGroup so the
aria-labelledby prop is properly set on the group element.
CompositeHoverRenders an element in a composite widget that receives focus on mouse move
and loses focus to the composite base element on mouse leave.
CompositeItemRenders a focusable item as part of a composite widget. The tabindex
attribute is automatically managed by this component based on the
CompositeProviderProvides a composite store to
CompositeItem components.
CompositeRowRenders a row element for composite items that allows two-dimensional arrow
key navigation.
CompositeItem elements
wrapped within this component will automatically receive a
rowId prop.
CompositeSeparatorRenders a divider between
CompositeItem elements.
CompositeTypeaheadRenders a component that adds typeahead functionality to composite