All things Hovercard
API Reference
useHovercardContextReturns the hovercard store from the nearest hovercard container.
useHovercardStoreCreates a hovercard store to control the state of
Hovercard components.
HovercardRenders a hovercard element, which is a popover that's usually made visible
by hovering the mouse cursor over a
HovercardAnchorRenders an anchor element that will open a
Hovercard popup on hover.
HovercardArrowRenders an arrow element inside a
Hovercard component that points
to the anchor element.
HovercardDescriptionRenders a description in a hovercard. This component must be wrapped within
Hovercard so the
aria-describedby prop is properly set on the content element.
HovercardDisclosureRenders a hidden disclosure button that will be visible when the
HovercardAnchor receives
keyboard focus. The user can then navigate to the button to open the
hovercard when using the keyboard.
HovercardDismissRenders a button that hides a
Hovercard when clicked.
HovercardHeadingRenders a heading in a hovercard. This component must be wrapped within
Hovercard so the
aria-labelledby prop is properly set on the content element.
HovercardProviderProvides a hovercard store to
Hovercard components.